MILES Subgraph Miner
is a Java
tool to discover subgraphs (or network motifs) in a graph (or network) that are significantly associated with a given set of vertices (or nodes) of interest. In other words, the goal is to search for subgraphs that are enriched in a selected subset of vertices compared to the graph as a whole.
Documentation is available in the GitHub README: .
Download the latest release here: .
For the associated publication, see:
MILES: A Java Tool to Extract Node-Specific Enriched Subgraphs in Biomolecular Networks. Pieter Moris, Danh Bui-Thi, Kris Laukens, Pieter Meysman. Bioinformatics, 2019. ( doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btz849 )